Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9 Genuineintel 1801 Mhz
Intel Celeron D 336 specifications
General data | |
Blazon | CPU / Microprocessor |
Market segment | Desktop |
Family | Intel Celeron D |
Model number ? | 336 |
CPU role numbers |
Frequency ? | 2800 MHz |
Bus speed ? | |
Clock multiplier ? | |
Packet | |
Socket | Socket 775 |
Introduction appointment | |
South-spec numbers | |
Compages / Microarchitecture | |
Microarchitecture | |
Processor core ? | |
Core steppings ? | |
CPUIDs | |
Manufacturing process | |
Data width | 64 bit |
The number of CPU cores | one |
The number of threads | |
Floating Bespeak Unit | Integrated |
Level i cache size ? | |
Level ii enshroud size ? | |
Extensions and Technologies | |
Security Features | |
Low power features | |
Integrated peripherals / components | |
Integrated graphics | |
Electric / Thermal parameters | |
5 core ? | |
Minimum/Maximum operating temperature ? | |
Maximum power dissipation ? | |
Thermal Design Ability ? | |
Notes on Intel Celeron D 336 | |
Detailed side-by-side comparison
Historical toll chart
The chart below shows official prices of Intel Celeron D 330J, 331, 335J, 336 and 341 processors:
Q: I have an Intel Celeron D 336 microprocessor. Is it possible to upgrade information technology?
A: Probably yes. Processor compatibility is determined by your motherboard. Please check website for CPU support list for your lath.
Celeron D 336 Overclocking
Sad, overclocking information is non available at this time.
Intel Celeron D 336 Benchmarks and Performance evaluation
For Celeron D 336 charts, comparing multi- and unmarried-threaded performance of this microprocessor with other Celeron D processors and the fastest AMD and Intel x86 chips, please visit Intel Celeron D 336 multi-threaded and single-threaded performance pages.
For averaged functioning in integer, floating-bespeak, SIMD and memory-intensive applications delight see the adjacent department.
Integer, Floating-Indicate, SIMD and Memory functioning
The graphs below show up to ten microprocessors with approximately the aforementioned level of functioning in integer (CPU), floating-point (FPU), SIMD and retentivity benchmarks. All processors were not overclocked, and were tested at a nominal frequency, with a stock heatsink and default BIOS settings. Click on the '?' mark next to each model name to see specifications of that model, and details of the test platform.
Benchmarked processor:
Due south-spec number: | SL8H9 |
CPU ID: | 0F49h |
CPU vendor string: | GenuineIntel |
CPU name string: | Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.80GHz |
Integer performance
Floating Signal performance
MMX / SSE / SSE2 operation
Memory-intensive program performance
CPU ID information for the Celeron D 336
Detailed characteristics of processor'due south internals, including x86 instruction fix extensions and individual instructions, loftier- and low-level technologies, are listed below. This list was acquired from an actual Intel Celeron D 336 processor with the help of the x86 CPUID teaching. Whatever discrepancies between CPUID features and official specifications are likely due to some features being disabled in BIOS, or due to a problems in our CPUID decoding algorithm. Different steppings of Intel processors may also have slightly different features.
Our CPUID database contains iv records for this microprocessor. Come across all submitted records.
Use our CPU identification tool to check features of your processor.
Submission details | |||
Manufacturer: | Intel | Measured frequency: | 3188 MHz |
CPU Family unit: | Celeron D | Comment: | |
Processor Number: | 336 | ||
Role number (supplied): | JM80547RE072CN | Submitted by: | xhoba |
Office number (guessed): | JM80547RE072CN | Submitted on: | |
S-Spec Number: | SL7TW | CWID version: | 0.5 |
General information
Cache details
Supported instructions
Integrated features and technologies
CPUs, related to Intel Celeron D 336
The list of related CPUs does not include all models. For the complete list, please run into the related "Netburst" processors for socket 775 page.
• Within each category, the CPUs are sorted from slower (at the top) to faster (at the bottom)
• Background color of specs and features indicate whether they are better or worse than similar spec/feature of the Celeron D 336
• Click on the > icon to compare any CPU in the table with the Intel Celeron D 336 (Javascript required).
• Features abbreviations:
NX - Virus Protection / Execute Disable bit
64-bit - 64-flake technology
HT - Hyper-Threading
VT - Virtualization
SS - SpeedStep
ESS - Enhanced SpeedStep
Pictures ( 3 )
Intel Celeron D 336 5602A657 | |
Stepping SL8H9 | ![]() |
| ![]() |
. | |
Text on the IHS is really hard to read. | ![]() |
Comments ( 0 )
Y'all're welcome to post suggestions, corrections, your own personal Intel Celeron D 336 review, or your experience with the microprocessor. Please do not ask upgrade and troubleshooting questions, and do non start discussions.
Posted by: Clocker.