Missing You I Just Dont Know What to Do With Myself

Songs About Missing Someone You Love

We've all been in that location.

Missing someone isn't piece of cake.

It could exist a friend, a family member or fifty-fifty a significant other.

And, information technology could exist for a host of unlike reasons.

People move.

Sometimes you break up with your young man or girlfriend.

Possibly your sister went overseas on vacation.

Whatsoever the example, if you're missing someone right now, here are some songs to lighten your load.

"Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd

Vocal year: 1975

"Wish You Were Hither" past Pink Floyd tin can be taken in a variety of ways.

That is the beauty of a song.

I thing we can say for certain is that it'due south a song about the contrast of life.

There are highs and lows.

At that place is skilful and bad.

In that location is right and wrong.

And, at that place is beingness with someone you dearest and missing someone you lot honey.

In a romantic human relationship, there typically are ebbs and flows.

Couples must overcome challenges to stay together, enduring through the thick and the thin.

Still, at the stop of the twenty-four hour period, if yous find yourself saying "wish you were here", then y'all've gotten the essence of this song.

Some things are just better together.

"The Bed's Too Big Without You lot" by The Police

Vocal year: 1979

"The Bed's Too Big Without You" by The Law is a heartbreaking song almost letting someone become and trying to stay strong while doing it.

You realize, perhaps a little too late, that yous wish they didn't have to go.

The opening lines say it well:

"Bed's too large without you lot/Common cold wind blows correct through that open door/I tin can't sleep with your memory/Dreaming dreams of what used to be."

When you lot want someone back and tin can't milkshake that feeling, this is the vocal to put on.

"I Miss Y'all" past Incubus

Song year: 1999

This is a simple song well-nigh missing someone.

"I Miss You" by Incubus is about finding someone then special, you can hardly even believe they were with y'all.

It's about breaking up and having that feeling that you're going to run into them somewhere down the line.

If you're missing someone and can't await for them to come back, you've e'er got this tune.

"Wish You lot Were Here" by Avril Lavigne

Vocal year: 2011

Sometimes, you observe someone you truly experience like you can exist yourself around.

And, the things they say can go out you lot ruminating on them endlessly.

Whether you've just broken upward with someone, or things are a piddling uncertain right at present, "Wish You Were Here" by Avril Lavigne is a good song to play.

These lyrics are particularly heartfelt:

"All those crazy things we did/Didn't recollect well-nigh it, just went with it/Yous're always there, you're everywhere/But right at present I wish you were here."

"And so Far Abroad" by Carole King

Song year: 1971

Distance in a human relationship doesn't just pertain to physical location.

It can also represent the emotional distance that exists betwixt ii people.

Things may not be how they used to be.

People move on and change, and you tin't connect the mode you used to.

"Then Far Abroad" past Carole Male monarch embodies this idea.

These words say it well:

"Long ago I reached for you and there you stood/Holding you once again could simply do me good/Oh how I wish I could merely y'all're so far away."

"Far Away" by Nickelback

Vocal year: 2005

Sometimes, we make people look.

Information technology could exist for a multifariousness of reasons.

Peradventure we're scared.

Maybe we don't feel similar we're prepare.

Maybe our work involves travel.

Unfortunately, if y'all keep someone waiting, there's no guarantee they'll keep waiting for you.

They might move on and find someone else.

"Far Away" is a song about loving someone and so much that you can't believe you kept them waiting.

"That I love you I have loved you all forth and I miss you/Been far away for far too long/I continue dreaming you'll exist with me and you'll never get/Cease breathing if I don't run across you anymore."

"Miss You Like Crazy" past Natalie Cole

Song year: 1989

Sometimes y'all're not sure whether you truly dear someone.

But there tin can come a time when you tin no longer deny information technology.

"Miss You Similar Crazy" by Natalie Cole says information technology well:

"I miss yous like crazy, I miss yous like crazy/Ever since you went abroad, every hour of every day/I miss yous similar crazy, I miss you like crazy/No matter what I say or exercise, there's just no getting over you."

When you realize yous've found a "keeper", sometimes information technology's too late.

You're still allowed to miss them though.

"Missing You" by Steve Perry

Feeling lonely tunes

Song yr: 1994

"Missing You" by Steve Perry is a simple, heartfelt breakup song.

When you break up with someone you honey, y'all can't assist but wonder if you could have done some things differently.

You feel like you could have given more than just you're not certain why yous didn't.

So, you end up missing the person y'all dearest.

If you feel like you could accept been amend to your ex, this is your vocal.

"Always" by Bon Jovi

Vocal twelvemonth: 1994

Your significant other can get out an imprint on you.

You can't forget them, and you feel as though you're going to remember them forever.

Moving on can be tough.

As Bon Jovi says in "Always":

"It'south been raining since you left me/Now I'grand drowning in the overflowing/You see I've always been a fighter/Merely without you lot I surrender."

"When You're Gone" by Avril Lavigne

Song year: 2007

"When You lot're Gone" by Avril Lavigne is nigh missing someone so dearly you tin't stop thinking virtually them.

Information technology's non necessarily most breakup, simply it certainly is most waiting for someone to come dorsum just so you can be effectually them.

Whether it's work or travel or something else, sometimes our significant others are away for extended periods of fourth dimension and we cease up missing them.

At least you've got this song.

"Echoes Of Y'all" by Marianas Trench

Vocal yr: 2019

This is yet another vocal virtually feeling badly about things yous've done to your significant other.

And, you tin can't end thinking nigh them.

If you're still feeling the "echoes" of everything that went down on your human relationship, you lot'll chronicle to this Marianas Trench song.

"Well stirs of whispers trail and linger/You notwithstanding haunt the corner of my middle/Those remnant faces fleeting traces/Of you haunt the corner of my eye."

"Gone Too Soon" by Michael Jackson

Vocal twelvemonth: 1991

None of us know when our time will be up.

Losing someone – whether it'due south a family member, friend or significant other, is rarely easy.

Some people are gone entirely too presently.

When y'all're missing someone that won't come back, "Gone Too Shortly" by Michael Jackson is the right song to listen to.

"I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself" by The White Stripes

Song yr: 2002

Losing a significant other is like losing a piece of yourself.

You experience like half the person you used to be.

Yous don't savor the things y'all used to relish.

And, you don't know what to exercise with yourself.

"I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself" by The White Stripes says it well:

"Planning everything for two/Doing everything with yous/And now that nosotros're through/I only don't know what to do/I just don't know what to do with myself."

"Here Without Yous" by 3 Doors Down

Vocal twelvemonth: 2002

When you're in a relationship, it can experience like a dream.

When that dream all of a sudden comes to an cease, you can't assist but look dorsum on what happened and wonder what could've been.

"Hither Without You" by 3 Doors Down is about missing someone then badly that you long to come across them again, even if it'due south just in your dreams:

"I'm here without you lot infant/Just y'all're nonetheless on my lonely mind/I call back about y'all infant and I dream about yous all the time/I'one thousand here without you infant/But you're still with me in my dreams/And tonight girl, information technology'southward but you lot and me."

"Meliorate Together" by Jack Johnson

Song year: 2005

A lot of things can change when you lot intermission upwardly with your significant other.

It tin go out you feeling similar things were ameliorate when you withal had them by your side.

Life is meant to be shared, and when you don't have someone to share it with, information technology reminds you lot of a time when you were together.

"Improve Together" past Jack Johnson couldn't have said it better:

"But at that place is not enough time/And there is no, no vocal I could sing/And there is no combination of words I could say/Merely I volition still tell y'all one thing/We're ameliorate together."

"Missing My Infant" by Selena

Vocal twelvemonth: 1992

Love can experience like a hit and run.

Someone comes into your life and lights information technology up.

All of a sudden, before yous can say anything, they're gone, and you end up missing them.

The narrator in "Missing My Infant" is confident they volition still come back.

Merely if you lot can't wait until you meet your significant other again, this Selena song might bring some comfort.

"I'grand missing my baby, (missing my infant) missing my baby/I gotta concur you tight, and never let you out of my sight/Missing my babe, (missing my infant) missing my baby/I gotta feel your heart beat (your heart beat) next to mine/Gotta feel it."

"My Arms Proceed Missing You" by Rick Astley

Song twelvemonth: 2002

You might think things are going great with your significant other.

All of a sudden, yous finish hearing from them.

Then, you ruminate incessantly on where they are, who they might be with.

It'due south not much fun wondering about someone and whether y'all can trust them.

"My Arms Keep Missing Yous" by Rick Astley expresses all these feelings:

"My artillery continue missing you/Who'southward been kissing you/Since you went away/My arms keep missing you lot/I keep wishing you'll/Come back today."

"Miss You lot In A Heartbeat" by Def Leppard

Vocal year: 1992

Yous might exist losing your significant other, but you tin can't be sure.

You know you're in love and there'southward nothing you tin can do about it.

And, every time that special someone is away, yous miss them.

These are the sentiments expressed in "Miss You In A Heartbeat" past Def Leppard:

"When we impact, I merely lose my self-control/A sad awareness I can't hide/To honey is easy, information technology own't easy to walk abroad/I proceed the faith and there's a reason why, yeah."

"I Just Really Miss You" by Miranda Lambert

Song yr: 2007

"I Just Actually Miss Yous" by Miranda Lambert seems to be a song about existence in love with someone who'due south already in a relationship, or perchance fifty-fifty married, as indicated by this line:

"At that place'southward a life I can't enquire yous to leave."

Merely missing someone isn't an emotion you can necessarily command.

Regardless of the circumstance, if that's where you're at, this song is ever there for you.

"I just actually miss you, I just really miss you/There's a life I tin can't ask y'all to exit/I just really miss yous, right now I kinda desire to/The closest that yous'll always be to me is free."

"From Where Y'all Are" by Lifehouse

Song twelvemonth: 2007

You wish you lot could be next to your significant other.

Unfortunately, the altitude has left you both unable to go along in the relationship.

You miss all the little things that brought joy to your life, even if you didn't recognize them at the fourth dimension.

"From Where You Are" by Lifehouse brings all these emotions to life:

"I miss the years that were erased/I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face up/I miss all the little things I never idea that they'd mean everything to me/Yeah, I miss you/And I wish you were here."

"Wish You lot Were Hither" by Incubus

Vocal year: 2001

When we're missing someone dearly, we often find ourselves alone.

Yous might find yourself going for walks to clear your head and recollect about what'due south going on.

Of course, the ruminating doesn't stop when you're thinking about what you lot could've done differently, what you would have said and so on.

That's one interpretation for "Wish Y'all Were Here", at least.

There are many other ways to interpret the song.

Either way, if you're missing someone, have a listen to this number.

"Miss You lot Much" by Janet Jackson

Vocal yr: 1989

You don't know whether y'all're in dearest.

But you still miss that special someone every time y'all're not around them.

You tin't stop thinking most them and can't wait to be around them.

And, you lot would do annihilation to go them back.

"Miss Yous Much" by Janet Jackson wants to tell the world:

"Then I'll tell ya baby I'll tell your mama/I'll tell your friends/I'll tell anyone who's heart can comprehend/Sent information technology in a alphabetic character baby tell you on the telephone/I'm non the kinda girl who likes to be solitary/I miss ya much I really miss you much."

"When I Need You" by Rod Stewart

Song year: 1996

When at that place are miles separating yous from the one y'all love.

When you lot can't be in that location for them right now but want to be.

That'south when to mind to "When I Demand You" by Rod Stewart.

Close your eyes and exist with your significant other.

"When I demand you/I just close my optics and I'yard with you/And all that I so want to give you lot baby/Information technology'due south simply a heart beat away."

"Come Back… Be Hither" past Taylor Swift

Music about someone you want back

Song twelvemonth: 2012

That moment you realize when you've permit get of someone you shouldn't have.

You cease up missing them nearly immediately but and so you lot realize it's too late.

Yous realize you should have done things differently – maybe even gone with them.

"Come up Back… Be Here" by Taylor Swift couldn't have said it amend:

"You said information technology in a elementary way/4AM, the second day/How strange that I don't know yous at all/Stumbled through the long bye/One last kiss, then grab your flight/Right when I was simply well-nigh to autumn."

"Thinking Bout You" by Ariana Grande

Song year: 2016

That special someone that leaves you lot thinking endlessly virtually them.

You lot tin can't turn off your thoughts and you just proceed ruminating.

You miss them badly and you tin can't plough it off.

"Oh, I don't have you here with me/Just at least I have the memory/I tried to make information technology through the nighttime/But I can't control my heed."

"Stand up Upwardly And Run" by Billy Talent

Song twelvemonth: 2012

"Stand up Up And Run" past Billy Talent is a song well-nigh breaking up with someone you love and wanting them to come up back.

This is another one of those "hit and run" situations where you don't know what just hit you and it leaves you feeling disoriented.

These words ring out loudly:

"Afterward all these years of existence apart/Don't permit reason try to tear united states of america apart/If the compass strikes then follow your heart/And I promise it leads you correct back into my arms."

"I've Been Thinking About You" by Londonbeat

Song twelvemonth: 1990

This early 90s dance hit is more than only a catchy vocal.

The theme of the song revolves around the cascade of emotions y'all experience when y'all're in dear with someone.

As the human relationship evolved from a friendship to something more than, the narrator finds himself confused:

"We must have been stone crazy/When we thought we were but friends/'Cause I miss you baby/And I've got those feelings again."

Sometimes you just can't stop those feelings from welling upwards.

"Miss Yous More" by Katy Perry

Song yr: 2017

The people you autumn in dear with aren't always the all-time fit for y'all.

Merely there is no logic to love, and you tin can withal end up missing them.

And, as this song points to, you can miss someone more than you beloved them.

You go along asking yourself what could've been, and you wonder if your ex feels the same.

"I saw a balloon floating away/I thought, did someone let get or did they lose it?/So strange y'all know all my secrets/Please keep them safe/And darling, y'all know that I'll do the same (you know that I'll practice the aforementioned)."

"I Miss You" by Glimmer 182

Vocal twelvemonth: 2003

The ring members of Blink 182 didn't hash out the pregnant of the vocal as they were writing it.

But they're bones explanation of the song is that information technology's almost a guy who wants a daughter who he thinks would never be interested in him.

Interesting how you could besides interpret this song as missing someone who'south already passed.

Either manner, the sentiment of "I Miss You" isn't lost, fifty-fifty if it'due south just missing someone that you lot don't accept a chance with.

"In Loving Memory" by Alter Bridge

Vocal year: 2004

"In Loving Memory" by Alter Span is about losing someone you love.

Saying "cheerio" isn't easy merely if you lot're set to say it, this is a good song to listen to.

"Thanks for all yous've washed/I've missed you for then long/I tin can't believe you're gone and/You nevertheless alive in me/I feel you in the wind/You guide me constantly."

"Reminds Me Of Yous" by Van Morrison

Vocal year: 1999

Breaking up can be gut-wrenching.

The pain can be so intense that you're non fifty-fifty sure what to do.

And, you brainstorm to run into all the mistakes you fabricated.

These lyrics say it simply:

"I miss yous so much, I can't stand it/Seems like my heart, is breaking in two/My head says no but my soul demands it/Everything I practise, reminds me of you."

"Miss Y'all" by The Rolling Stones

Ruminating alone

Song twelvemonth: 1978

Sometimes you fall for someone and the people around you don't understand.

They just want things to be the way they used to exist – hang out on the weekends, or whatever.

But yous've discovered something they haven't yet – what it feels like to exist in love.

"Miss Y'all" by The Rolling Stones says information technology best:

"Well, I've been haunted in my sleep/You've been starrin' in my dreams/Lord, I miss you, kid/I've been waitin' in the hall/Been waitin' on your call."

"See Y'all Sometime" by Joni Mitchell

Vocal year: 1972

Regardless of whatever you may accept gone through in your relationship, sometimes you just want to run across your ex again.

Though things betwixt you may be over, you lot feel similar a pocket-size piece of the relationship continues to live on.

It's possible you've even given upward, only that doesn't necessarily put an end to your desire to run into your ex again.

That's what "See Y'all Onetime" by Joni Mitchell is all about:

"Nosotros're in for more rain/I could certain apply some sunshine on my apple trees/It seems such a shame/We showtime out so kind and stop and then heartlessly."

"Dreamin' of You lot" by Bob Dylan

Song year: 2008

"I'grand dreamin' of you/That's all I exercise/And it'south/Driving me insane."

Y'all can miss someone and so desperately that they occupy 100% of your thoughts.

Fifty-fifty as yous go about living your life, the rumination doesn't stop.

And, every fourth dimension you're forced to come to the same conclusion, that you miss someone securely.

If you lot've e'er been driven insane by your emotions, you know where Dylan is coming from on this one.

"I Miss You" by Randy Newman

Vocal year: 1999

Long-term relationships don't always terminate well.

That doesn't hateful they didn't serve their purpose.

It just means that changes occurred.

Alter is a natural part of life.

Regardless of how much time and distance there is betwixt y'all and your ex, you can withal miss them.

"Still in my center after all these years/Separated by time now by distance/I couldn't allow myself to experience/The loss that I feel right now/As I put this song downward."

"Missing You" by Green Twenty-four hour period

Vocal yr: 2012

What do you practise when you break upwards with someone you dear?

At that place are many ways of answering that question, but it's fair to say many of the states but go crazy.

After the initial shock of breakdown, you may discover that yous tin can't get your significant other out of your caput.

And so, you try everything, whether information technology's going for walks, partying with friends, trying to disappear into work then forth.

"Missing You" by Green Mean solar day is a expert reflection of the kind of restlessness people oft encounter after heartbreak:

"I searched the room/I lost my head/I even looked nether the bed/I punched the walls/I hit the street/I'g downward in the pavement lookin'."

If you include the proper noun of the musician, this can be included in the list of songs with colors in the title.

"Demand You Now" by Lady Antebellum

Song year: 2010

"Need You Now" by Lady Antebellum is another song about the disorientation you lot can feel after you've broken up and you're all lonely reflecting.

Sometimes, it'southward hard to resist dialing up your old flame.

Maybe you don't even know what you would say to them, but on the off take a chance they're still thinking almost you lot, you'd like to call back maybe you'd get back together.

"Another shot of whiskey, tin can't finish looking at the door/Wishing yous'd come sweepin' in the way you did before/And I wonder if I ever cantankerous your mind/For me it happens all the time."

"Somebody'due south Missing Yous" by Dolly Parton

Song year: 2011

When your special someone is away, you can't expect for them to get back.

You tin can't stop thinking about them, fifty-fifty when they're non around.

This song is for you if that'due south how you're feeling now.

"Somebody'due south missing you/Longs to be kissing you/You'd improve mind/You mean all the globe to me/You're on somebody's heed/Just almost all the time/I hope you lot miss me too/Somebody's missing you."

"How I Miss You lot" by Foo Fighters

Song year: 1995

Sometimes y'all're not sure whether someone misses you similar you miss them, merely yous hope that they do.

"How I Miss You" past the Foo Fighters articulates these feelings well:

"Practice you miss me/Like I miss you/If you miss me/Never go away/Hopefully, you'll come stay someday/If you're leaving/Come dorsum before long/That's not piece of cake to say/I'll wait hither/Dream of you/All alone as I ache."

"Tears In Heaven" by Eric Clapton

Song year: 1992

Losing a kid can't perhaps be like shooting fish in a barrel.

When Clapton did, he wrote many songs in honor of his son, Conor Clapton'south untimely decease.

The one that stayed with him, and likewise with all of usa, is "Tears In Sky."

"Would yous know my name/If I saw y'all in heaven?/Would information technology be the same/If I saw you lot in heaven?/I must be strong and conduct on/'Cause I know I don't belong hither in heaven."

"Hurt" by Christina Aguilera

Song year: 2006

Aguilera's last words to her father were reportedly harsh.

That gives united states of america context for this slow piano ballad.

Knowing that yous've hurt someone shut to yous tin can already be shocking.

To acquire that they've passed away before y'all could limited your truthful feelings and let them know that you dearest them – that'due south devastating.

"I would agree you in my arms/I would take the pain abroad/Cheers for all y'all've done/Forgive all your mistakes/There'south nothing I wouldn't practise/To hear your vox once again/Sometimes I wanna call you/But I know you won't be there."

"I Miss Yous" by Miley Cyrus

Song year: 2007

A simple song nearly losing someone you love.

Miley Cyrus wrote "I Miss Yous" as a homage to her late grandfather.

Losing a family member is rarely easy merely at that place's always this vocal.

"I miss you, I miss your grinning/And I still shed a tear every once in a while/And even though it'south different now/You're still here somehow."

"Tonight I Wanna Weep" by Keith Urban

Song year: 2004

When your significant other chooses to walk abroad from the relationship.

How do yous feel?

What would yous practice?

Many would likely do as the narrator did in this vocal:

"Lonely in this firm once more this evening/I got the TV on, the sound turned down and a bottle of vino/In that location's pictures of you and I on the walls effectually me/The style that it was and could have been surrounds me/I'll never get over you walkin' away."

Songs Nearly Missing Someone, Last Thoughts

It has frequently been said that time has the ability to heal, only so does music.

Music tin can aid you await at your situation more objectively.

It tin can help you get clarity on your feelings and emotions.

It tin give you the inspiration to comport on when things are tough.

We know that missing someone isn't easy but we hope the music helps.

Find a song you tin relate to and latch onto it.

P.S. Remember though, none of what you've learned volition affair if you don't know how to get your music out there and earn from information technology. Desire to acquire how to exercise that? So get our gratis '5 Steps To Profitable Youtube Music Career' ebook emailed directly to you!


Source: https://www.musicindustryhowto.com/songs-about-missing-someone/

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