Hope to Hear From You Again Soon Comma

You sent an of import email, and you're eager to become a reply. You end your message with "I look forward to hearing from you." Did you make an e-mail false pas?

Is it ok to utilize "Looking forward to hearing from you"?

Whether or not to apply "I await forward to hearing from you" or "I'm looking forward to hearing from y'all" depends on the context and purpose of your letter.


  • It'due south friendly and familiar.
  • It lets the recipient know that you're hoping for a response.


  • It'due south a bit canned. Everyone uses it, so your recipient might ignore it.
  • In certain contexts, information technology tin run across equally passive-aggressive code for "Get back to me, or else."
  • It puts yous in the waiting position, unable to motion forward until you hear from the other person.

Although plenty of business emails end with this phrase, there are ameliorate options. At all-time, "Looking forward to hearing from you lot" is invisible—a standard closing phrase that recipients tend to disregard. (When was the last fourth dimension you read "I look forward to hearing from you" and thought Gee, how prissy! I think I'll respond immediately? Right. You see what we're maxim.) At worst, it's presumptuous and even a chip snarky.

RELATED: How to End an Email: 9 Best and Worst E-mail Sign-Offs

7 alternatives to "I await forrad to hearing from you"

1 Apply a call-to-action.

Good email communication eliminates guesswork for the recipient. The problem with "I look forward to hearing from you" is that it removes yous from the active office and puts you in a subservient one. At present, you're merely waiting passively for a response rather than moving the email thread forward, and your recipient may non even know what y'all want from them. No bueno.

Instead, prompt your recipient to make a specific movement. Here are a few examples:

I program to hand off this graphic to our design team by Friday. Would you delight send me your feedback by Wed?

Let's meet at Emilio's for lunch. Does 12:thirty p.one thousand. on Tuesday piece of work for you?

Would you like me to send you lot our research when it'southward finalized?

Delight pass this info forth to your teammates. Cheers!

Good electronic mail advice eliminates guesswork for the recipient.

2 I'1000 eager to receive your feedback.

If y'all don't have a difficult deadline ("Get back to me by Midweek"), endmost your email with a request for feedback is perfectly appropriate. Just keep in mind that this sort of closing is a flake softer than requesting input by a specific date. It works best if you're hoping for a reply, only you lot're not necessarily expecting it.

A more than casual request would be something like, "I value your feedback, and then allow me know what you recollect!"

iii I capeesh your quick response.

Information technology'southward okay to use this alternative when you desire an answer as shortly as possible, but y'all don't have a time constraint. It gives the recipient a bit more than of a nudge than "I look frontwards to hearing from you."

This is some other closing that can audio pushy in the wrong context. If your email has a friendly tone overall, then the sign-off will sound friendly. In a more businesslike setting, it could seem more like a stern warning: "I look a reply."

4 Always happy to hear from you.

This ane says "Hey, my inbox is always open!" It'due south informal and informal, and it works well for recipients y'all have an ongoing dialog with. This endmost doesn't insist on an answer, so employ it only when you'd welcome a response just you don't need one.

v Keep me informed . . .

Sometimes, you need a reply merely when the status of a project changes. In these cases, information technology's appropriate to end with something like "Keep me informed of any updates." Become alee and be as insistent every bit you need to be. If it'due south disquisitional that you receive projection updates, say and then.

6 I expect your immediate response.

You're not messing around here. You need a respond yesterday. Relieve this closing for when your recipient has delayed and you need to be business firm and no-nonsense. Only be aware that this closing conveys a serious, even aroused, tone. When yous use information technology, y'all're doing the written equivalent of glaring at someone while tapping your foot and maxim, "Well? I'k waiting." Apply information technology sparingly. Unless, of form, you lot work in the collections section.

7 Write presently!

In less formal emails, "Write before long" is a cheerful sign-off that lets the contributor know you'd like to hear from them without really demanding action. Use information technology for friendly communication, such as writing to a shut friend or relative. Merely keep it out of your concern communication; it'southward far too coincidental.


Source: https://www.grammarly.com/blog/i-look-forward-to-hearing-from-you/

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